Thursday, January 15, 2009

Roasted Chestnuts and Slow Motion.....

Hey everyone!

Right, so, I'm sorry I am not updating this all that often. I'm really bad at finding- not only the time, but the energy! :) 

Here's a short update, though....

Today I was riding the street car home, and it was getting dark outside. I was watching out the window, looking at all the ancient buildings with beautiful architecture, lit up with numerous lights shimmering from zooming by in a blur....people bustling along the streets and crowding at the tram was fascinating. But, as we started to approach a stop, the street car slowed down, almost to a stop, but did not stop. Everything seemed to become quiet suddenly. It was then I noticed I was one of only maybe 3 people in the street car (and they are usually pretty full). It was one of the old 50's ones. The street car was slowly rolling along, but felt as though it were floating. We were moving at such a slow pace, that it took me a moment to make sure we were actually moving... and it felt like those moments in films where the music stops, and all you hear is a beating heart, and the images on the screen move by in a slow, flowing motion. I was looking out the window, and it was as though I couldn't hear anything, except for the compression of the tires every so often as they rotated beneath me. I couldn't move. It was a moment that stood still in time. The trees were lit with white lights and lined the street outside my window, and the vast buildings that surrounded me seemed to listen to me during this moment....

It was really cool.

So. I arrived at the Sudbanhof (the south train station) which is a great central stop for me. My home is only a block and a half from it, so it's a nice walk in the evenings, and a close location for traveling and not getting lost! 

I got off the street car and decided to stop at one of the local Viennese vendors to try some of their food. I bought some sort of potatoe pancake thing for a few euros, and it was incredibly greasy, but incredibly good! I also had an actual fire roasted chestnut!!! Like the Christmas song, "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." Yeah, well, I've eaten a fresh roasted chestnut. It was delicious!!

I am incredibly exhausted. I don't even do that much, but by the end of the day, I just want to drop on my bed and close my eyes. 

I have attended all the classes this week, so that I could get a feel for each class and see which ones to add or drop to my schedule! But, in doing so, that means I am at AHA from 9-5pm everyday! We have a few short breaks, but all the classes take place in the same classroom, with the same 17 people, and things just seem to become too much after about halfway through the day. My attention skills seem to lessen if I'm not energized with enough water or food, and then the afternoons sort of drag on. And by the time 5 rolls around, either everyone wants to go out and is too tired, or everyone wants to go out and does, even though they are tired, oooor no one wants to go out because they're too tired. Hah. It's usually the last one, unless we grab some food really quick!

It's sad. I have barely seen the city! I've stared at the maps for a long time, but I have yet to go inside and explore some of the greatest museums and sites and opera houses and cathedrals! :D

I also have barely taken any pictures. Outside of classes, we have not done much! I think as we all get settled, a routine will develop, and hopefully that will provide more opportunities to take pictures and spend time with the group outside of class. 

Either way, I am loving it! The classes I think I'm sticking with, so far, are German, Intercultural Communications, Music: Classicism to Romanticism in Vienna, European Cities, and Freud: Psychoanalytic Theory and Interdisciplinary studies.  I'm also finding the Human Rights class really fascinating as well (and the professor is great!) but, I don't want to wear myself out, or give myself too much... so I don't know! All the classes have a lot to offer essentially. I just have to make up my mind!

Hmm...I can't think of anymore updates right now, but I will hopefully update again soon!

Oh, the group! There are 17 of us- 10 guys and 7 girls, and we all get along incredibly well! We all have a lot of different character and personality to bring to the group as a whole, and it makes for a really diverse, culturalized, and interesting group! I'm really excited, and looking forward to getting to know everyone more!


Unknown said...

Wow honey....sounds like each day is very full and exciting. I know you are enjoying every minute of it!! Love you lots...Mom

Anonymous said...

Your stories make me want to travel again so much! I had a dream about Germany last night too. I really hope you get time soon to get out and see your surroundings - Wien is such a fascinating city.

Jeff said...

your blog is much more colorfully written, good job! oh and neither of us have seen enough of Wien...we better start planning this weekend! servus!